Wísdómhord : : Using a Hord

Using a Hord

Wísdómhord currently only supports row insertion and reading. Future versions will support updating existing rows as well as row deletion.


To create a new hord, supply the desired path and the Bisen you wish to use:

hord = wisdomhord.cennan('/home/user/doc.hord', bisen=YourBisen)

This will return a Wisdomhord object ready for you to use. If the file already exists, the cennan will fail.


To load an existing hord, supply the path to the hord as well as the bisen:

hord = wisdomhord.hladan('/home/user/doc.hord', bisen=YourBisen)


To insert into a hord that you have created or loaded, first define the column value dictionary you want to insert:

row = {'COL1': 'Hello!',
       'COL2': True,
       'COL3': 10,
       'COL4': 20.3,
       'COL5': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 16, 12, 11, 15),
       'COL6': datarum.wending(226, 5, 28, 12, 11, 15)}



To retrieve the rows from a hord, you can:

rows = hord.get_rows()

This will return all the rows in the hord, ordered by their order in the file.

You can also limit by the number of rows returned:

rows = hord.get_rows(limit=10)

or by the desired columns:

rows = hord.get_rows(cols=['COL2', 'COL3'])

The returned rows can also be sorted by a column:

rows = hord.get_rows(sort_by=['COL3'], reverse_sort=True)

The returned rows can also be filtred by a supplied function:

rows = hord.get_rows(filter_func=lambda x: x['COL2'] == True and x['COL3'] >= 10)
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