Wísdómhord : : Overview


Wísdómhord is a flat file db format and tool for internal project use.

The goal is to create a flat file db format that produces something that makes sense to check into git - both in the sense that it produces meanginful diffs, and that it is immediately readable.

An example hord looks like:

// INVOKER :: Wísdómhord
// DESCRIPTION :: An example hord
// INCEPT :: 10 Regn 226 // 05.00
// UPDATED :: 10 Regn 226 // 05.40
// COUNT :: 7

[ COL1          | COL2  | COL3  | COL4        | COL6                       ]
[ Hello world   | 12345 | True  | Wé          | 28 Regn 226 // 12.11.15    ]
[ Wes Hál       | 67890 | False | Gárdena     | 10 Mǽdland 226 // 03.43.05 ]
[ Hallo Welt    | 123   | True  | in          | 8 Mist 226 // 23.23.23     ]
[ Saluton mondo | 34.2  | False | géardagum   |                            ]
[ qo' vIvan     | 42    | True  | þéodcyninga | 24 Mǽdland 226 // 01.02.03 ]
[ Suilad ambar  | 1968  |       | þrym        | 1 Wending 226 // 18.45.55  ]
[ Ada mūnok     |       | True  | gefrúnon    | 8 Wæstm 226 // 17.10.00    ]
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